feeling better
date: 18/08/2022
well, after last month's decay i've been getting a lil betterer, got that task worked through and work has been non-existential almost, so i have been focusing in
other things™, like getting back to studying algebruh and physics, and reading a little more, and just focusing a lot more in other stuff in general.
for the news you are probably wondering about, i'm trying my very best to keep the page updated, adding stuff lil by lil, it's just a lot of content to build through,
more so its a lot of text to write, with the blog and the music and the art and the everything, but i'm still keeping at it as much as i can; more so i'm still pushed
by the sheer will of wanting to be with the webring that i've been so helped by, which on those news it's been getting bigger and bigger thankfully, so there's more
friends to be had in here heh, go check them out!
in the personal, i recently celebrated the first anniversary with my gf, it was a fun time we did a lot of stuff together, hopefully we'll keep doing more stuff
i've talked to her and to my best friend about making a webpage and they had little but some interest nonetheless, so maybe i'll be able to convince them someday
for the music stuff i've got a bunch of albums and listening to them a few at a time, as you've seen i've been able to pump a full
Currents review and i'll try to get as much of the music i can into some review but i really don't want to assign them
numeric values, too much judgyness for someone like me that barely understands music, so i'll keep it at some sort of emoticon-styled levelling or something.
and for reading i finished both the books i was reading, journey to the center of the earth, which honestly felt kinda meh but that was understandable as it was verne's
first or second book by that time, and computer connections by alfred bester which i've talked about in a previous blog, after reading into it further i gotta say, i don't
fully understand if it was satire or he just likes over-the-top writing, the out of loop writing grew into me closer to the end but it wasn't something i'd prefer in most
books; so as i finished both of them i'll be trying my best at reading both of kandinsky's books back-to-back and meanwhile read some light novels or something, i still
don't quite know, i noticed i'm lacking some philosophy books that talk about other things than politics, only have some nietzsche ones and the kandinsky ones, so i'm open
to recommendations on those.